Functional Medicine Advanced Practice Modules® (APM) Immune

IFM banner for Immune APM.

This module will focus on chronic inflammation, systemic influences on the immune system, and the consequent dysfunction that may ensue. The Immune APM will supply clinicians with an in-depth understanding of underlying immune mechanisms and offer effective interventions to use even in the absence of a conventional diagnosis.

+ What you will learn at the Immune conference
  • Identify different types of chronic inflammation and apply personalized treatments. 
  • Recognize that chronic inflammation is a root cause of nearly every chronic disease and achieve better outcomes by addressing it. 
  • Better diagnose systemic inflammation by recognizing subtle and often overlooked elements in the history and evaluation.  
  • Determine the root causes of each patient’s chronic inflammation to personalize treatment.  
  • Explain in plain language to patients how immune dysfunction is contributing to their current conditions to help motivate them and improve adherence. 
  • Identify subtle and often overlooked clues on conventional and advanced laboratory biomarkers that indicate inflammation or immune dysfunction. 
  • Develop more personalized treatments for chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction for each patient that include dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and botanical treatments. 
+ Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities

View the 2024 Core Program Exhibitor Prospectus for details on exhibit and sponsorship opportunities. For any questions or to discuss further, please contact the IFM Exhibiting Manager at

Live Stream Icon  2024 Immune Conference, Europe

8-10 November, 2024    

  • Livestreamed Conference  Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Up to 21 CPD Available
  • Module content comprises recorded presentations that will be
    rebroadcast as a livestream

Register Now: 8-10 November, 2024 (GMT)

Live Stream Icon 2025 Immune Conference 

March 07 - 09, 2025  

  • Module content comprises recorded presentations that will be rebroadcast as a livestream presentation. Introductions, transitions, and Q&A sessions will be live. 
  • CME / CE available 
Register Now: March 07 - 09, 2025 (PT)


Understanding Immune Dysfunction

The Many Faces of Immune Dysregulation and Chronic Inflammation: Chronic Infections, Atopy, and Autoimmune Disorders

The innate immune system is the gatekeeper for coordinating the body’s entire immune response, and over the last decade, a growing body of knowledge on the clinical impacts of unbalanced innate immunity has begun to make an impact in the treatment of immune-related disorders. Functional medicine teaches that immune imbalance, while often resulting from a genetic disposition and environmental factors, will generally arise in the context of one or more of the following: the habitual consumption of a proinflammatory diet; food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances; microbial infections; hormonal imbalances; nutritional insufficiencies; and xenobiotic exposure. How can dietary and lifestyle modifications help return the immune system to a state of balance? Learn more below.

The Institute for functional medicine autoimunne statistics infographic

Click the image to zoom

Immune Related Articles

Flat lay of fruit, veggies, nuts, and proteins because nutrition helps treat autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune Disease: Treatments & Outcomes

Beyond medications and biologic drugs, what other treatment options are available for patients living with autoimmune disease that may improve periods of remission and enhance quality of life? 

Basket of cauliflower and other vegetables, linking functional nutrition to mitochondrial repair.
Mitochondrial Impairment in Long COVID-19

Researchers have found possible link between long COVID, mitochondrial dysfunction, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. How can clinicians support the mitochondrial health of patients with COVID-19? 

Man at the farmer's market picking our fresh apples, which are anti-inflammatory foods.
Anti-Inflammatory & Mast Cell–Stabilizing Foods

Personalized nutrition strategies, including anti-inflammatory foods, can help support immunity and may help patients with histamine intolerance and mast cell activation. 

Colorful blood collection tubes, showing that genetic testing can help doctors understand the immune system.
The Role of Genetics in the Autoimmune Cascade

The functional medicine approach evaluates how genetic, environmental, and intestinal factors shape the immune system and contribute to the development and progression of autoimmune diseases. 

Senior couple in a restaurant with woman feeding her husband healthy food so they can increase their immune system and reduce aging.
Treating Age-Induced Immune Dysfunction

As patients age, alterations in the immune system may increase susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, cancer, and chronic tissue inflammation. What lifestyle changes may affect immune modulation?

Women meditating outside in the sunshine, helping her immune system regulate properly.
Benefits of Meditation

Mind-body interventions may improve immune regulation and inflammatory response.


Learn About IFM's Immune Experts


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